Women of the World International is a great team with a big heart for the people of God. We have been tremendously blessed and ministered to through their ministry. Most of all, their sincerity and personal touch comes from a deep desire to walk fellow Christians through their journey of life.
Photographs and news clip cannot begin to describe the desperate state of Bangladesh's people. Women of the World organized a women's conference and a national university student's conference. All who experienced those conferences were changed in some way and many in very dramatic ways. We ministered to enslaved women in a brothel and to the residents of impoverished neighborhoods. Prior to our involvement, my wife and I have not had a desire to participate in missions, but now we can't wait to go back. Women of the World's vision is straight from God's heart to serve the destitute and impoverished.
It wasn't just the women of Bangladesh that felt the impact of the 2003 Thirst Conference, but it was the Church as a whole, across the nation. For months afterwards, pastors would approach me joyfully to remark about how the women in their church were now leading their churches in expressive worship, passionate prayer and a zeal to reach the lost.
It was a joy and privilege to work with Rev. Lynn Willis and team for the Women's Conference held in July 2005. She has a spark that spreads to other women instantly. Women of the World truly brings women of different cultures and ethnic groups together and helps them to learn from each other. Getting to know Lynn and those that work with her has inspired our women to stand up for what they believe. We have over 700 women leaders now and I believe a seed was planted by Lynn, together with the Holy Spirit, that is going to grow in leaps and bounds.
Through Women of the World, women of diverse ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds have been inspired and equipped to pursue God's unique mission for their lives, overcoming a variety of internal and external barriers that seek to suppress His call. In a world that continues to marginalize women as second class citizens, Women of the World serves as a poignant counterpoint, inspiring and training women to effectively take their rightful place as stewards of God and co-heirs with Christ.